Tom Carey

Tom Carey Square


      Tom Carey - Witnesses to Roswell: 75 Years Later
      *Bonus* They Drove a Spacecraft Down Main Street?

Those Who Witnessed Roswell – 75 Years Later

The Roswell Crash is either the biggest hoax of our time, or the most pivotal moment in human history.  Unfortunately we may never know the whole picture:  It is a puzzle with a million pieces that has been purposefully mixed with other puzzles to confuse anyone who tries to put it together.  While we may never get it all, Tom Carey has gotten as close as anyone can.  He has been on the front lines of this investigation for almost 25 years, and over the course of that time he has interviewed over 600 people who were involved with some aspect of the Roswell Crash.  By amassing the largest database of first hand eyewitness accounts, he has put together a comprehensive timeline that tells the story of The Roswell Crash from several different perspectives. None of these stories contradict, and they tell the same tale:  A teardrop-shaped non-terrestrial craft crashed north of Roswell, New Mexico on July 2nd, and with it were several dead bodies.  None of them human.  Oh, and one was alive.  On this 75th anniversary, Tom Carey tells the story of what happened during that fateful summer.

*Bonus* They Drove a Spacecraft Down Main Street?

In this bonus episode we Tom and I attempt to fill in some of the gaps we left in our main podcast, including how Mack Brazel ended up on the radio in search of a $3000 reward, and how the entire town of Roswell watched as the Army drove a tarp-covered space craft right down main street because it was the most direct route to the base.


Original July 8th, 1947 Headline

Second Headline

Radio News Report July 8th, 1947

      July 8th 1947 - Roswell Crash Radio Call

Additional Guest Information