Walter Wyatt, Jr.

Surviving the Shark Filled Sea
As an adult, I realized I had an irrational fear of sharks. Given that I grew up in rural Illinois with the nearest shark about 3000 miles away, this fear didn’t make sense to me. I went through my childhood memories, and found the source of this fear: A Reader’s Digest article recounting the survival story on one Walter Wyatt, Jr. In this story, Walter fights off three sharks while waiting to be rescued, with only a leaky life vest to keep him afloat. *Spoiler Alert* When you read this story at nine years old, you will develop a life long phobia.
Listen as Walter and I discuss the details of this ill-fated flight, including his waterlogged flares, failing engine, and broken compass. Plus I try to connect his story to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.
*BONUS* – The Epilogue
Walter’s survival story wasn’t the end of the tale. Struggling with PTSD, Walter had a rough road ahead of him. Things got dark, but eventually he got back to scuba diving, and flying. Plus his plane is discovered 25 years after it went down!