Debra Fine

How Small Talk Can Lead To Big Things
When I think of small talk, my mind immediately goes to thoughts of my grandma, who loves to discuss the weather. This line of questioning seems at best unnecessary, at worst it is a complete waste of time. This is not so! Debra Fine is the master of small talk, and she insists that proper small talk leads to everything. You have to start somewhere, and small talk is the way people get to know each other, without any real stakes. Getting to know someone is how you make friends, and making friends is how you can grow your network. Plus everyone could use some sharpening of their conversational skills. This week, not only will we tell you what you should focus on, we will also tell you what you SHOULDN’T do, including monopolizing a conversation. What do you do if you end up in this situation and can’t get out? Listen to find out!