Dr. Ashley Polasek

Sherlock Holmes: Spyglasses & Singlestick
Many of you know me as the Analytical Mastermind, and did you know that the great Sherlock Holmes referred to himself as the Analytical Reasoner in one of his many tales? And the similarities between him and I don’t end there: We both have redefined men’s fashion, both love a good magnifying glass, and we comically puff on a pipe when contemplating major conundrums. And there is more, and luckily I have Dr. Ashley Polasek on the show this week to discuss her book “Being Sherlock“. She is a master of all things Holmes, especially when it comes to the many adaptations that have been created based on the original work of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. But that is not all. She is quite the swordsman, even winning medals for her elite skill, and she is currently enrolled in a ninja academy where she is honing her throwing star technique. This week we discuss all of this, including how she ended up being inducted into a secret society of the world’s foremost experts on Sherlockiana.