Dr. Kendall Phillips

Kendall Phillips Square


      Dr. Kendall Phillips - Carl Kolchak: Your Friendly Neighborhood Vampire Hunter

Carl Kolchak: Your Friendly Neighborhood Vampire Hunter

If you like paranormal television programs, then Carl Kolchak is a name you should know.  Kolchak: The Night Stalker was a made-for-TV movie in the 70’s that introduced the world to a investigative reporter who would stumble across crimes with a supernatural cause.  It was later turned into a series, and while only lasting one season, it inspired several modern classics like The X-Files, Twin Peaks, Supernatural, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and several others.  Dr. Kendall Phillips teaches about horror at Syracuse, and discovered this show as a young boy watching television after his parents went to sleep.  It captivated him so much that he wrote a book on the series as an adult.  We discuss the wide influence this show had on modern television, plus the importance of the famous seersucker suit that Kolchak wore all the time.


Kolchak: The Night Stalker Movie

Kolchak: The Night Strangler Movie

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