Dr. Neil Bradbury

Famous Poisons & How They Work
For some people, Halloween is about exploring the dark side, and nothing is darker than murder. You could argue that poisons are the most insidious manner of elimination, and while we have discussed famous poisonings in history, and even the dangers of every day chemicals, we have not gone into exactly how poisons effect the human body. Luckily we have poison expert Dr. Neil Bradbury in the show, and he is going to explain how poisons work, from the way bleach shreds your red blood cells, to how cyanide works so fast. You will want to hire a professional food taster after this episode!
*Bonus* Russians, Retirees & Ricin
Ricin is a poison that occurs naturally in Castor seeds. Listen to two stories about this deadly substance, one that involved an umbrella in Russia, and the other which took place in a retirement community.