Dr. Stuart Vyse

Use Your Delusions
Delusions, are they healthy? Is it normal to actively believe in a reality that is not accurate? Does simply changing how you view the world alter your success? These are just some of the questions I discuss with Dr. Stuart Vyse, author of “The Uses of Delusion“. It turns out that delusions are a normal part of everyday life. Do you have a lucky charm? That is in irrational belief that an object can control events around you. What about confidence? That is a good thing right? Absolutely! If you are confident enough, people will believe you despite the fact that you know nothing about a subject. This can obviously be dangerous under the right circumstances, but deluding yourself that you are more knowledgeable than you are has a bunch of real world effects. We also discuss Donkey Kong, Ouija Boards, and why Dr. Vyse can’t stand the beach.
*Bonus* The Delusion of Free Will
Are you in control of your actions? If you want to do something, you just do it right. Can you decide to do something you DON’T want to do, or is this technically impossible? Does Free Will actually exist, or is it just a delusion to make sure humans have a sense of purpose? Dr. Vyse and I discuss this in this bonus episode.