Gary Wietgrefe

Biking Almost 3000 Miles to A North Pole
At 58, Gary Wietgrefe heard a story in a bar about a 70 year old who biked all the way from South Dakota to Alaska. Always seeking a challenge, he kept this in his mind and finally accomplished this feat when he was 65! We discuss his 2997 mile journey, including why he choose North Pole Alaska and not THE North Pole, how he avoided bear attacks but not wild dogs, and why biking 2997 miles and not 3000 doesn’t bother him. We also get into his obsession with Proso Millet, his time in military intelligence, and how he set a world record in softball.
*Bonus* The Epilogue
What happened to Gary after the bike ride? Was it all champagne and congratulatory handshakes? For a while yeah, but his body had been doing one thing all day for 40 days and it took a toll. Listen as he recounts what happened in the weeks that followed his ride.