Lydia Denworth

Mastering the Art of Friendships
When we are children, nothing is more important to us than our friends. We are either spending all of our time with them, or trying to figure out how to make more. As we get older, and spare time becomes more and more rare, we may find ourselves neglecting all but our most inner circle. Lydia Denworth believes this may be a mistake. In her book “Friendship”, she outlines the physical, mental, and emotional benefits to having more friends, as well as the consequences of being lonely. We take a look at the beginning of our social life, which is when we start to see faces, as well how other primates structure theirs. Some have compared chimpanzee politics to that of the royal court! We also talk about a few other things, including The Beatles, a bailiwick, and Lydia’s hemp farm where she makes bedding for hamsters.