Rachel Levin

Surviving Wild Animal Encounters
I don’t know about you, but I enjoy the outdoors. Hiking can be a fun past time, but depending on where you go there is always a chance that you could run into a dangerous animal. So what do you do? Are you supposed to look intimidating or play dead? Do you run to climb a tree or do you charge the creature to show it who’s boss. Luckily Rachel Levin had those same questions, and decided to write a book about it. Listen as we discuss how to handle a bear, what it takes to outrun an alligator, and why a moose is described as “A serial killer with a loaded shotgun”. Plus we tell why punching a shark in the nose is your best option when they are circling.
*Bonus* Avoiding Urban Animals
As humans continue to sprawl into every known corner of the world, reproducing at a unsustainable rate, more and more we are invading on turf currently occupied by wild animals. You may encounter these guys while walking to the garbage, or may even see them IN your garbage, depending on the time of day. I take a few more minutes to talk to Rachel about opossums, raccoons, and coyotes.