Tea Krulos

If you are like me, you have definitely heard a conspiracy theory or two. Maybe you believe that oil companies suppressed the electric car for decades, or that genetically modified foods cause cancer. It is also possible you have (or are) a crazy uncle that lets it rip on holidays, telling everyone about the CIA plot to assassinate JFK using the muscle of the mafia, because he was going to expose the alien bodies hidden under Area 51. Whatever your world concerns are, there is a theory for you. This week I discuss conspiracy theories with Tea Krulos, author of American Madness. We discuss the popularization of conspiracies in main stream culture, using his book as a guide. He tells the story of one such man Richard McCaslin, who dressed up as his superhero persona The Phantom Patriot and raided the super secret Bohemian Grove in Northern California because he believed it to be the site of satanic rituals, and human sacrifice. How did he come to believe this false narrative which almost cost him his life? Listen to find out! (HINT: It has something to do with Alex Jones)
*BONUS EPISODE* – The Rise of Alex Jones and InfoWars
In this bonus episode, we discuss how Alex Jones went from a cable access pundit to infamous peddler of dangerous conspiracy theories.
Superheroes Are Real, and They’re Spectacular!
If you are the average person, you have probably been a fan of superheroes since the Marvel movies hit the scene, which was in 2008. If you happened to be into Batman, your fandom may go back to 1989. I am guessing that if your fandom is based on the movies alone, it is probably a passing interest, relegated to the 2-3 times a year a new flick hits the theaters. If you are a comic fan however, you may have loved superheroes all your life! Superman and Batman date back to the 1930’s, and have inspired generations of young boys (and let’s face it, it was mostly boys), to be better citizens, better friends, well just better people. Within this group there is a small faction, some would say a select few, who take the life a superhero very seriously. They develop a persona, dress up in costume, and try to make their neighborhood a better place. That could be feeding the homeless, protecting drunk people coming out of bars, or actually pro-actively fighting crime. Some call this The Real Life Superhero Movement, and author Tea Krulos was in the trenches for over a year documenting this group of do-gooders. Listen as he regales me with tales of The Watchman, Razorhawk, and Phoenix Jones, Guardian of Seattle!
*BONUS EPISODE* – Supervillains Ascend!
Every comic fan know that a superhero is NOTHING without an arch nemesis, and Real Life Superheroes are no exception. If you thought RLSH was underground….keep digging. There you will find the Real Life Supervillains. Watch helplessly as they take over your city’s sarcastic output and focus it on your local hero, reducing him to an insult-ridden husk. No one is safe.
Vampires VS Zombies: Battle for the White House
Tomorrow is election day here is the states, and while we don’t get political on this show, we do love movies, so I decided to have Tea Krulos back on the show to discuss his research tying popular cinematic monsters to the political party who wins the White House. Democrats are tied to Vampires while Republicans are represented by Zombies. There is one shocking aberration to this theory, but you will have to listen to find out what happened!