*Bonus* Magnamund Mythology
If for some reason you are unfamilar with the World of Magnamund, you should buy the above book. If you can't find it, then you should definitely listen to Joe…
If for some reason you are unfamilar with the World of Magnamund, you should buy the above book. If you can't find it, then you should definitely listen to Joe…
In my humble opinion, I believe that author Joe Dever's world of Magnamund is better than Westeros, better than Hogwarts, even better than Middle Earth! Even if you don't agree…
In the fingerboarding circles, this man is a legend. He is to to the sport, what Tony Hawk and Shaun White (The Flying Tomato) are to skateboarding.  Stories of…
*From his website* 'Adam Gertsacov is the most educated clown in America (barring certain elected officials.) He wears many hats, including those of a professional clown, an author and publisher,…
The history of the Morango Basin is an incredible one.  This story has it all: UFO's Tesla Technology, Howard Hughes, The largest free-standing boulder in the world, visitors from Venus,…
In the time since I first broadcast this episode, Siike has reclaimed his World Record, survived 11 more brain aneurisms, helped co-host an awesome T.V. show with me, and finally…
In this supplementary episode, Jim and Glen talk to me about the merits of Zombie insurance, including accidental maim and dismemberment, Cryogenic Intervention, and bite prevention.
Have you ever wondered about basic economics principles, only to be bored by their lack of grave-fresh examples? Well rejoice! Glen Whitman and James Dow, two California State University Northridge…