The 1950’s and 60’s were a strange time in American culture as it related to human behavior. Behind the scenes, you had the MK Ultra experiments trying to unlock the secrets to mind control. More publicly, you had Dr. Phillip Zimbardo and Stanley Milgram conducting social science experiments designed to show the extremes in human nature, and how we can be manipulated by the subtle social forces at work. All of these existed at a time where rules, ethics, and morals were not present as these scientists searched for a universal truth to human nature. Today’s episode looks at Dr. Stanley Milgram and his famous obedience experiments, where he wanted to prove that simply having a man in a white lab coat telling you to do something, caused people to comply. But was this the whole story? Two-time guest Gina Perry walks us through her research, and we might discover that this experiment didn’t exactly prove what Dr. Milgram desperately wanted it to.

Ep. 213: The Milgram Obedience Experiments
- Post author:funklord
- Post published:September 12, 2022
- Post category:Fascinating Nouns