You are currently viewing Ep. 225:  Monty Hall – The Ultimate Dealmaker (Video)

Ep. 225: Monty Hall – The Ultimate Dealmaker (Video)

Even if you have never watched a classic game show, my guess is that you have heard of Monty Hall.  He is best known for his multi-decades work on “Let’s Make a Deal”, but was also a game show creator, actor, author, and record setting philanthropist.  This week I induct Adam Nedeff into the “Two Timers” club as we discuss his latest book on Monty Hall.  We get into the clever way Monty captured the essence of FOMO, his strange relationship with the audience, the fundamentals of game show psychology, why everyone dressed in Halloween costumes, and the time he turned down two free yachts.  Oh and and we explain why Betty White has more game show Emmys than Monty.

Adam Nedeff on Social Media

Buy The Book:  Monty Hall – TV’s Big Dealer
Museum of Play – Game Show Archive

Fascinating Nouns on Social Media

