You are currently viewing Ep. 178:  The Curious Life of Count Dante

Ep. 178: The Curious Life of Count Dante

Last week, I interviewed Bob Calhoun who called him self ‘Count Dante’ in the underground wrestling outfit Incredibly Strange Wrestling.  This week I talk to documentary filmmaker Floyd Webb about John Keehan, the man who originated the Count Dante moniker.  To most, Count Dante was a fixture of the comic book advertisements, offering ‘The World’s Deadliest Fighting Secrets’ to those ready to send a quarter to the address on the page.  To the ones who knew him, Count Dante was a polarizing figure.  He was either a crusader for civil rights by openly teaching martial arts to black students, a two-bit thug who fought dirty and instigated fights with rival dojos, or a hairdresser who styled the Playboy bunnies and gave out monogrammed cigarettes.  Floyd and I discuss this distinction, as well as Keehan’s pet lion, his time as a Vodun priest of sex magic, and the famous fight with the Green Dragon Fighting Society that resulted in the death of his best friend.

Floyd Webb on Social Media


Fascinating Nouns on Social Media

